actually on a flight to Montreal, QC at the moment but I thought I’d get a
little blog post update in while I have the chance. Honestly, we’ve been so
flat out (holidaying yes, but also cleaning, selling and packing) that I have
had very little opportunity for sleep, let alone anything else! So for the blog
and photo delays, I apologize, but I’m doing the best I can!
spent the majority of the past week selling furniture, cleaning our unit and packing all our worldly possessions, which,
I can sadly but also triumphantly say, fit into a total of five suitcases and
two boxes. I think we did pretty well. Steven kept me (and whoever else was
over visiting) thoroughly entertained during the week with his incredible knack
for negotiating furniture sales which either involved him selling our four year
old Ikea furniture to unsuspecting buyers for more than what it costs brand new
(I knew all the original prices, but it clearly helped that he didn’t!) or
negotiating like a champion …
we hiked the Chief we continued our journey to Whistler and checked out the
mountain bikers. Originally the plan was for us to do the Peak 2 Peak gondola
ride but we arrived too late so that goes on the list for our last weekend, if
the weather is nice (fingers crossed!). Instead, we had dinner at Sushi
Village, home of my most favourite sushi – and it delivered yet again. In fact,
I dare say we’ll be back there for dinner again if we manage to fit Peak 2 Peak
in before we leave BC. On our way back to Vancouver later in the evening we also
spotted a black bear hanging out on the side of the road, which was an awesome
finish to a great day.
Lake was beautiful. For the most part we enjoyed a really quiet, peaceful
weekend. So much so I think I napped about five times every day. The lake was
pretty cold but the water was absolutely crystal clear. I have never seen water
so clear before! The weather was surprisingly really beautiful for this time of
year too. We enjoyed two hot, sunny days with temperatures around 28 degrees
(yeah, that’s hot weather for us now!). Ben, Steven and I arrived on Friday
just after lunch and we were joined by Dave C, Brendan and Suze later on Friday
evening. Teddy, Sharah and her friend (also a Nat) made their way to the lake
on Saturday.
majority of our weekend was spent relaxing, drinking, hanging out in or around
the lake, making s’mores and barbequing an exorbitant amount of processed
BBQing processed meat. Ew. |
Roasting s'mores over the fire. |
Me relaxing on the bank, pillow and all. |
While plenty of fun times were
had, there were two standouts:
Mountain Man
my recollection is slightly hazy, I believe the Mountain Man competition was
devised over some campfire drinks, late Friday night. Through various,
ridiculous discussions, the boys determined they should all participate in a
competition which would test their feats of strength, and ability to undertake
these tasks after sculling a number of cans of beer. Of course the name
Mountain Man was derived from the Squamish breakfast Ben and Steven had
devoured earlier that day.
Man involved four participants (Ben, Brendan, Steven and Dave) each undertaking
a timed series of consecutive tasks. Each participant had to do the following:
out to the pontoon and scull a can of beer
back to the beach
300 metres up around a log pile, collect two blocks of fire wood and run with
the fire wood back to the campfire
both blocks of wood in half
another can of beer
back to the beach and collect the kayak
down the lake, around a buoy and return to the beach.
another can of beer.
there were vomits and lots of vomitty sounding coughing from the participants
once they’d finished. Yes, it was completely ridiculous but, clearly also lots
of fun (for me).
Massive Campfire
to get the campfire started after the abundance of pre-chopped firewood we now
had at our disposal (!), the boys started it up early Saturday evening. From
previous experience at Loon Lake (last year), we were familiar with Dave C’s
penchant for playing with campfires. Well, he went to town on this one! Somehow
Dave managed to find the biggest single piece of firewood I’ve ever seen –
basically it was a portion of a hollowed out tree. With two engineers present,
we knew we’d be in for a technical show and it didn’t disappoint. After
strategically stacking blocks of firewood to form a base and source of oxygen,
the massive hollowed log was placed on the fire pit. It was a spectacle. So
much so that it was our single source of conversation for over five hours. I’d
say we sat contentedly around the fire discussing it, but I’d be lying. This
fire was so hot no one could comfortably sit around it, so most of us spent the
night straddling the seats, with our faces and majority of our bodies turned
away. After performing a series of ‘scientific’ experiments, and following
further research, we found out the fire would have been at least 1500 degrees
Celsius (yes, an empty bottle of Crown Royal was completely melted).
Dave has found a beauty... and he knows it! |
Green Lake sunset. |
Performing important scientific experiments on the fire. |
Sunday afternoon we reluctantly packed up and headed back to Vancouver. On our
way home Ben took us all via Purver Canyon for a quick hike and sightsee. It
was awesome! While really small, the hike was quite steep so again, another
challenging one. I actually got some rope burn on my hands as we descended into
the canyon but it was all in good fun. I opted for the bum, hands and feet
approach most often which worked well. Conquering Purver Canyon sadly marked
the end of our lake cabin weekend. Thankfully for Steven and I, more adventures
were just around the corner.
Looking into Purver Canyon ... and we were about to trek down.. |
Ben further investigates the waterfall ... |
Specifically (as most of you would know by now), these adventures included a 10 day trip to Quebec to explore Montreal, Quebec City, Toronto and Mont Tremblant, followed by a brief four final days in Vancouver before heading off to Hawaii (the Big Island and Oahu) for two weeks and then returning to Brisbane. Although I am planning (at some stage) to individually blog about these two trips, at present I don't have the time (the beach is calling!) or the inclination to do so. Plus, it would be pointless to bombard everyone with posts they will not read. Instead, my plan is to share one final entry and at a later stage, once I do pen these blogs, I will add them to the Tales.
If you're still interested, once they're done, I'll link them below.
Eastern Canada (coming soon)
Hawaii (coming soon)
Stay tuned for the final installment! x
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